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RCL2-T wide body kit for Ford Focus MK1 Turnier/Wagon

RCL2-T wide body kit for Ford Focus MK1 Turnier/Wagon

RCL2-T wide body kit for Ford Focus MK1 Turnier/Wagon RCL2-T wide body kit for Ford Focus MK1 Turnier/Wagon

2.499,00 €
incl. VAT
Shipping costs

Product No.: STM-FOWK04
Weight: 30.00kg


No mesh
Racing mesh aluminium
Racing mesh aluminium
+ 15,00 €
Racing mesh black
Racing mesh black
+ 25,00 €
  Specification front bumper spoil
without corner lights cut
with corner lights cut
  Specification rear bumper spoile
without license plate cut
with license plate cut



With this 8 piece RCL2-T wide body kit fit for Ford Focus MK1 Turnier/wagon you give your car a complete new look.

Operating range: 
Car brand: Ford
Car model: Focus
Type: MK1 (C170)
Model year: 1998 - 2004
Specification: Turnier/Wagon

The RCL2-T wide body kit for Ford Focus MK1 Turnier/wagon is hand made of fiberglass.

Street Permission:
This RCL2-T wide body kit for Ford Focus MK1 Turnier/wagon is TUEV proved.

The assembly of the body kit occurs on the original fixing points. Assembly instructions and material are enclosed in the kit. 

Scope of supply:
- RCL2 front bumper spoiler available with or without corner lights cuts
- front fenders with widenings
- side skirts
- rear fender widenings
- RCL rear bumper spoiler available with or without license plate cut
- assembly material
- assembly instructions
- TUEV licensing


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This Product was added to our catalogue on Saturday, 21. February 2009.



Wissenswertes aus dem Tuning-Lexikon:

Bei einem Bodykit (englisch body kit) handelt es sich um einen Karosseriebausatz für Kraftfahrzeuge, in der Regel bestehend aus einer Frontschürze, Seitenschwellern und Heckschürze. Zusätzlich lässt sich ein Bodykit durch weitere Spoiler, z.B. Heckspoiler, Dachspoiler, Lufthutzen und Motorhauben ergänzen.