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BMW tuning and body styling parts, body kits and spoilers

Here you can find BMW styling parts, different types of BMW spoilers, many styles of BMW wings, complete BMW body kits and other aerodynamics.


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License plate conversion kit BMW Z3

License plate conversion kit BMW Z3

The license plate conversion kit for BMW Z3 allows the installation of the license plate from the bumper into the rear hatch between the rear lights like the BMW Z3 M Roadster.
295,00 €

License plate conversion kit BMW Z3

B5 front spoiler BMW Z3

B5 front spoiler BMW Z3

The B5 rear apron for BMW Z3 is both available 2-piece and 3 pieces for left / right-duplex exhaust systems and is easily installed under the original rear bumper of the BMW Z3.
199,00 €

B5 front spoiler BMW Z3

B5 front spoiler BMW Z3

B5 front spoiler BMW Z3

B5 front spoiler for BMW Z3 with a removable middle cup spoiler for mounting on the original front bumper. The built-in side flaps give the BMW Z3 the absolute Racelook.
269,00 €

B5 front spoiler BMW Z3

B5 side skirts BMW Z3

B5 side skirts BMW Z3

The B5 side skirts for BMW Z3 are harmony with the sweeping lines of the BMW Z3 and let him appear much deeper.
298,00 €

B5 side skirts BMW Z3

B5 side skirt aprons BMW Z3

B5 side skirt aprons BMW Z3

The B5 side skirt aprons for BMW Z3 are mounted under the standard side skirts and gives racind flair.
199,00 €

B5 side skirt aprons BMW Z3

ST side skirts BMW 1 series E87

ST side skirts BMW 1 series E87

The ST side skirts emphasize the dynamic design of the BMW 1 series E87 and also help your air intake for improved cooling of the rear brake.
229,00 €

ST side skirts BMW 1 series E87

ST front bumper spoiler BMW 1 series E87

ST front bumper spoiler BMW 1 series E87

The ST front bumper spoiler makes the BMW 1 series E87 sportier and gives more dynamic.
399,00 €

ST front bumper spoiler BMW 1 series E87

CM front bumper spoiler BMW Z3

CM front bumper spoiler BMW Z3

The CM front bumper spoiler for BMW Z3 is based of the M-model. With the larger air intakes the engine and brake cooling of the BMW Z3 could be optimized.
299,00 €

CM front bumper spoiler BMW Z3

NL Frontspoilerstoßstange für BMW Z4

NL Frontspoilerstoßstange für BMW Z4

369,00 €

NL Frontspoilerstoßstange für BMW Z4




Wissenswertes aus dem Tuning-Lexikon:

Bei einem Bodykit (englisch body kit) handelt es sich um einen Karosseriebausatz für Kraftfahrzeuge, in der Regel bestehend aus einer Frontschürze, Seitenschwellern und Heckschürze. Zusätzlich lässt sich ein Bodykit durch weitere Spoiler, z.B. Heckspoiler, Dachspoiler, Lufthutzen und Motorhauben ergänzen.