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Toyota tuning and styling parts, spoilers, wings and body kits
Here you can find Toyota tuning and styling parts, different types of Toyota spoilers, many styles of Toyota wings, complete Toyota body kits and many other aerodynamics.
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RS side skirts Toyota Corolla E12This RS side skirts are fit for Toyota Corolla E12. |
99,00 € |
SF1 rear bumper spoiler Toyota Corolla E12This SF1 rear bumper spoiler is fit for Toyota Corolla E12. |
245,00 € |
XTR side skirts Toyota Corolla E12This XTR side skirts with rear air in take are fit for Toyota Corolla E12. |
179,00 € |
Front spoiler apron Toyota Carina T17This two piece front spoiler apron is fit for Toyota Carina T17. |
229,00 € |
JM front bumper spoiler Toyota AygoOne challenge is that JM front bumper spoiler to fit the Toyota Aygo. Besides the super-optics is the front bumper spoiler even with their first-class quality. The assembly of the front bumper spoi... |
329,00 € |
JM rear skirt apron Toyota AygoThe JM rear skirt apron fit for Toyota Aygo is a high quality and fitment product. The assembly of the rear bumper apron is made by bonding with the original bumper. |
169,00 € |
JM front lip spoiler Toyota AygoThe JM front lip spoiler fit for Toyota Aygo built before 01/2009 to be fitted to the original front bumper spoiler. The front lip spoiler is glued to the original bumper. It combines quality and ... |
179,00 € |
JM side skirts Toyota AygoThe JM side skirts fit for Toyota Aygo are the complement to the JM front and rear bumper spoilers. The side skirts are for the 3 -Â and 5-door model available. The assembly of the side skirts made... |
199,00 € |
JM body kit Toyota AygoComplete 4-piece body kit fits Toyota Aygo consisting of front bumper spoiler, side skirts and rear bumper spoiler. |
799,00 € |
Wissenswertes aus dem Tuning-Lexikon:
FrontspoilereckenFrontspoilerecken (englisch: cup wings) werden unter dem Frontspoiler oder der Frontschürze montiert. Frontspoilerecken werden im Motorsport verwendet um den Luftstrom gezielt zu lenken und für entsprechenden Abtrieb oder auch Kühlung zu sorgen.