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Seat tuning and styling parts, spoilers, wings and body kits
Here you can find Seat tuning and styling parts, different types of Seat spoilers, many styles of Seat wings, complete Seat body kits and many other aerodynamics.
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FX front bumper spoiler Seat Leon 1MThe FX front bumper spoiler for Seat Leon 1M impresses by his striking design which lends quite individual optics to the Seat Leon 1M. |
279,00 € |
GTA side skirts Seat Leon 1MThe GTA side skirts let the Seat Leon 1 m optically looking deeper and with the intimated air intakes and outtakes the side skirts gives the Seat Leon 1M more sportiness. |
129,00 € |
GTA rear bumper spoiler Seat Leon 1MThe GTA rear bumper spoiler for Seat Leon 1M with integrated rear diffuser and the big vent holes provides absolute racing atmosphere on the Seat Leon 1M. |
259,00 € |
GTA front bumper spoiler Seat Leon 1MThe GTA front bumper spoile for Seat Leon 1M was developed in support of the VW Jetta R-GT Concept and provides the maximum of sportiness on the Seat Leon 1M. |
279,00 € |
FX side skirts Seat ArosaThe FX side skirts let the Seat Arosa optically look deeper. With the air intakes before the rear axle the side skirts provide motor sport atmosphere. |
149,00 € |
RS2 front bumper spoiler Seat Arosa 6HWith the RS2 front bumper spoiler gives the Seat Arosa 6H the popular look of the Audi RS2 and let him looks clearly dynamic. |
215,00 € |
FX rear bumper spoiler Seat ArosaWith the FX rear bumper spoiler looks the Seat Arosa extremely deep. By the diffuser optics divided into three parts the rear bumper spoiler can be combined with all current exhaust varia... |
199,00 € |
CS side skirts Seat Leon 1MThe CS side skirts let the Seat Leon 1M optically looks deeper and with the intimated air intakes before the rear axle looks sportier. |
169,00 € |
Front grill Seat Altea 5PFront grill without brand emblem fit for the Seat Altea type 5P. |
99,00 € |
Wissenswertes aus dem Tuning-Lexikon:
SeitenschwellerSeitenschweller werden an den Seiten unterhalb der Türen montiert. Im Motorsport sogen sie für eine verbesserte Aerodynamik. Beim optischen Tuning wird mit Hilfe der Seitenschweller optisch die Fahrzeughöhe reduziert, was dieses um einiges sportlicher wirken lässt.
Weitere Bezeichnungen: Seitenspoiler, Schweller, Schwellerverbreiterung