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Alfa GTV tuning and styling parts, spoilers, wings and body kits
Our Alfa GTV tuning and styling program includes, besides several Alfa GTV spoilers, different types of Alfa GTV wings, complete Alfa GTV body kits also many other Alfa GTV styling parts.
Show 1 to 5 (of in total 5 products) | Sites: 1 |
SPORT rear wing spoiler Alfa Romeo GTVThe SPORT rear wing spoiler fit for Alfa Romeo GTV is suitable available with or without 3rd brake light. |
149,00 € |
SPORT front fenders Alfa Romeo GTVSPORT front fenders fit for Alfa Romeo GTV with additional air shaft to better brake venting. |
189,00 € |
SPORT rear bumper spoiler apron Alfa Romeo GTVSPORT rear bumper spoiler apron with integrated diffuser suitable for Alfa Romeo GTV underscores the sporty lines of ... |
199,00 € |
SPORT front bumper spoiler apron Alfa Romeo GTVThe SPORT front bumper spoiler apron gives the Alfa Romeo GTV little more sportiness. |
209,00 € |
SPORT side skirts Alfa Romeo GTVThe dynamically shaped SPORT side skirts fit for Alfa Romeo GTV underline the sporty lines of the Alfa GTV. |
219,00 € |
Show 1 to 5 (of in total 5 products) | Sites: 1 |
Wissenswertes aus dem Tuning-Lexikon:
BodykitBei einem Bodykit (englisch body kit) handelt es sich um einen Karosseriebausatz für Kraftfahrzeuge, in der Regel bestehend aus einer Frontschürze, Seitenschwellern und Heckschürze. Zusätzlich lässt sich ein Bodykit durch weitere Spoiler, z.B. Heckspoiler, Dachspoiler, Lufthutzen und Motorhauben ergänzen.